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Australia Players Start with S

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. JB Gannon John Bryant Gannon 1977
2. SD Heazlett Samuel Daly Heazlett 2017
3. S Konstas Sam Konstas 2024
4. SJE Loxton Samuel John Everett Loxton 1948
5. S Morris Samuel Morris 1885
6. SL Rainbird Samuel Leigh Rainbird
7. SM Whiteman Sam McFarlan Whiteman
8. H Carter Hanson Carter 1907
9. SP Jones Samuel Percy Jones 1882
10. SM Boland Scott Michael Boland 2016
11. SA Muller Scott Andrew Muller 1999
12. SA Abbott Sean Anthony Abbott 2014
13. SM Harwood Shane Michael Harwood 2007
14. S Lee Shane Lee 1995
15. SK Warne Shane Keith Warne 1992
16. SR Watson Shane Robert Watson 2002
17. SF Graf Shaun Francis Graf 1980
18. SE Marsh Shaun Edward Marsh 2008
19. SW Tait Shaun William Tait 2005
20. S Young Shaun Young 1997
21. SG Barnes Sidney George Barnes 1938
22. SH Emery Sidney Hand Emery 1912
23. SH Cook Simon Hewitt Cook 1997
24. SP Davis Simon Peter Davis 1986
25. SM Katich Simon Mathew Katich 2001
26. S Mackin Simon Mackin
27. SP O'Donnell Simon Patrick O'Donnell 1985
28. DG Bradman Donald George Bradman 1928
29. SH Johnson Spencer Henry Johnson 2023
30. SJ McCabe Stanley Joseph McCabe 1930
31. SJ Magoffin SJ Magoffin
32. SNJ O'Keefe Stephen Norman John O'Keefe 2010
33. SJ Rixon Stephen John Rixon 1977
34. SB Smith Steven Barry Smith 1983
35. SR Waugh Stephen Rodger Waugh 1985
36. SPD Smith Steven Peter Devereux Smith 2010
37. HSTL Hendry Hunter Scott Thomas Laurie Hendry 1912
38. SR Clark Stuart Rupert Clark 2005
39. SG Law Stuart Grant Law 1994
40. SCG MacGill Stuart Charles Glyndwr MacGill 1998
41. SE Gregory Sydney Edward Gregory 1890
42. ST Callaway Sydney Thomas Callaway 1892
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