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Australia Players Start with P

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. WPA Crawford William Patrick Anthony Crawford 1956
2. PJ Cummins Patrick James Cummins 2011
3. PA Hibbert Paul Anthony Hibbert 1977
4. PR Reiffel Paul Ronald Reiffel 1992
5. AP Sheahan Andrew Paul Sheahan 1967
6. P Wilson Paul Wilson 1997
7. PC Charlton Percie Chater Charlton 1890
8. PM Hornibrook Percival Mitchell Hornibrook 1929
9. PS McDonnell Percy Stanislaus McDonnell 1880
10. PK Lee Philip Keith Lee 1931
11. PJ Allan Peter John Allan 1965
12. PJP Burge Peter John Parnell Burge 1955
13. PJ Forrest Peter James Forrest 2012
14. PR George Peter Robert George 2010
15. PSP Handscomb Peter Stephen Patrick Handscomb 2016
16. PA McAlister Peter Alexander McAlister 1904
17. PE McIntyre Peter Edward McIntyre 1995
18. PM Nevill Peter Michael Nevill 2015
19. PI Philpott Peter Ian Philpott 1965
20. PM Siddle Peter Matthew Siddle 2008
21. PR Sleep Peter Raymond Sleep 1979
22. PL Taylor Peter Laurence Taylor 1987
23. PM Toohey Peter Michael Toohey 1977
24. PH Carlson Phillip Henry Carlson 1979
25. PA Emery Philip Allen Emery 1994
26. PA Jaques Philip Anthony Jaques 2005
27. PJ Hughes Phillip Joel Hughes 2009
28. HM Thurlow Hugh Motley Thurlow 1932
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