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Australia Players Start with M

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. MS Harris Marcus Sinclair Harris 2018
2. MJ North Marcus James North 2009
3. MP Stoinis Marcus Peter Stoinis 2015
4. MA Cameron Mark Alan Cameron
5. MJ Cosgrove Mark James Cosgrove 2006
6. MT Steketee Mark Thomas Steketee
7. MA Taylor Mark Anthony Taylor 1989
8. ME Waugh Mark Edward Waugh 1988
9. M Labuschagne Marnus Labuschagne 2018
10. MF Kent Martin Francis Kent 1981
11. ML Love Martin Lloyd Love 2002
12. MT Renshaw Matthew Thomas Renshaw 2016
13. MTG Elliott Matthew Thomas Gray Elliott 1996
14. MG Gale Matthew Geoffrey Gale
15. ML Hayden Matthew Lawrence Hayden 1993
16. MP Kuhnemann Matthew Paul Kuhnemann 2022
17. MJ Nicholson Matthew James Nicholson 1998
18. MW Short Matthew William Short 2023
19. MS Wade Matthew Scott Wade 2011
20. MHN Walker Maxwell Henry Norman Walker 1972
21. MR Harvey Mervyn Roye Harvey 1947
22. MG Hughes Mervyn Gregory Hughes 1985
23. MG Waite Mervyn George Waite 1938
24. MA Beer Michael Anthony Beer 2010
25. MG Bevan Michael Gwyl Bevan 1994
26. MJ Clarke Michael John Clarke 2003
27. MJ Di Venuto Michael James Di Venuto 1997
28. MEK Hussey Michael Edward Killeen Hussey 2005
29. MS Kasprowicz Michael Scott Kasprowicz 1995
30. M Klinger Michael Klinger 2017
31. MG Neser Michael Gertges Neser 2018
32. MJ Slater Michael Jonathon Slater 1993
33. ML Lewis Michael Llewellyn Lewis 2005
34. MF Malone Michael Francis Malone 1977
35. MRJ Veletta Michael Robert John Veletta 1987
36. MR Whitney Michael Roy Whitney 1981
37. MG Johnson Mitchell Guy Johnson 2005
38. MR Marsh Mitchell Ross Marsh 2011
39. MA Starc Mitchell Aaron Starc 2010
40. MJ Swepson Mitchell Joseph Swepson 2018
41. MC Henriques Moises Constantino Henriques 2009
42. MA Noble Montague Alfred Noble 1898
43. MW Sievers Morris William Sievers 1936
44. MJ Bennett Murray John Bennett 1984
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