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Find the information about cricket players profiles of $mainCountryName starting with alphabet "H"

Australia Players Start with H

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. HSB Love Hampden Stanley Bray Love 1933
2. HI Ebeling Hans Irvine Ebeling 1934
3. HH Alexander Harry Houston Alexander 1933
4. HF Boyle Henry Frederick Boyle 1879
5. H Donnan Henry Donnan 1892
6. H Graham Henry Graham 1893
7. H Moses Henry Moses 1887
8. HA Musgrove Henry Alfred Musgrove 1885
9. GHS Trott George Henry Stevens Trott 1888
10. HL Collins Herbert Leslie Collins 1920
11. HWR Cartwright Hilton William Raymond Cartwright 2016
12. HH Massie Hugh Hamon Massie 1881
13. H Trumble Hugh Trumble 1890
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